
10 Class Membership

Where are you at?
You might be completely new to fitness or dance and feel nervous about trying something new to help you get in shape. Maybe you used to exercise regularly but haven’t done anything for a long time. You don’t currently do much other exercise. You feel serious about making some big changes to your lifestyle so you can get back on track.
What problems might you be facing right now?
You are feeling fed up with your weight or body and do not feel good about your fitness levels. You might not like the idea of the gym and most types of exercise do not appeal to you. You might struggle with motivation when it comes to exercise. There aren’t enough opportunities for you to socialise with other people in your current day-to-day life. Work and / or looking after the kids has taken over a bit and you don’t have something that’s just for yourself anymore. Sometimes you feel stressed and don’t have the chance to really blow off the steam you need. You might feel tired and feel low on energy. You might have a job which makes your lifestyle quite sedentary.
What you need help with right now?
Finding a type of exercise which you really enjoy so that you actually want to do it regularly. Feeling more confident in your body and embracing how it looks and moves. Being given exercise which will help you burn lots of calories to help you tone up and get in shape. Having the chance to surround yourself with friendly welcoming people. Carving out time during the week for yourself. Finding ways to blow off steam in healthy way. Increasing your energy levels and improving your mood. The motivation to exercise that comes from working out or dancing in a group.
How can the 10 Class Membership help you?
You get 10 classes per month which are all designed to be as fun as possible. The quantity of classes each month means that you can expect to see a real transformation in your fitness, body shape, co-ordination, balance, posture, energy levels and stress levels. The classes give you an effective full body workout that will help you to improve your fitness, burn calories and lose weight so you can feel good about your body. The focus of the classes is not on getting the moves right but on having fun and keeping fit so you are free to let go of the concerns about “getting the moves right”. With time you will start to realise how much more your body can do, and learning new steps will give you a big boost of confidence. The choreography is designed to make you feel empowered and will help you to feel good about yourself. You will get to spend time with the other Zumba NXG members both in classes and at our quarterly socials giving you the chance to meet new people and make friends. The classes are at a set time each week and you have to book in to help you commit to your weekly exercise and schedule in your “me time”. Dancing around for an hour will give you the chance to blow off steam, de-stress and give you a boost of endorphins to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. If you get off track and get out of the habit of coming to classes, we get in touch with you to help you get back on track.
It includes:
  • 10 classes per month
  • A social event every few months
  • Unlimited access to Imogen with your health, fitness, wellness and dance questions.
  • Dance routines, recipes, workouts, health tips via email
  • Mix and match class types: Dance Funk Fitness, Ballet, Zumba, Yoga, “real life” and online*
  • Unlimited exclusive members access to recordings of online classes*

*online classes due to end in October when all of our classes should be returning to the community centre.

Fees: £63 per month, billed every month on 1st month.

Cancellations: 14 days notice

Looking for online classes only? Click here for info on our online classes

“…I have noticed my fitness has improved. And also I have definitely dropped a dress size and other people have noticed as well…. My energy levels are up as well..”

… I didn’t want to go to a gym cos I just thought I’d just be really bored at the gym…I just felt like I wanted to go to a class, because I needed motivation and I found that doing stuff at home I was getting a bit bored and a bit lack lustre…I think my only apprehension was that I do tend to have two left feet sometimes and I’m not very good at following instructions and I tend to freestyle quite a bit. And I wasn’t sure what the ladies would be like here. Because I know some of my friends go to classes at other gyms and they say its very kind of posey and I knew I didn’t want that, I wanted something that was quite relaxed and this is great. So it’s a nice group of people, a nice group of ladies who come here. The classes are really good fun. There is no pressure to be perfect, you don’t get told off if you do a wrong move, you don’t get made to feel bad if you start freestyling like I do! So its just really good fun. The best result I’ve had is my fitness levels, I have noticed my fitness has improved. And also I have definitely dropped a dress size and other people have noticed as well. I tend to come about 3 times a week, which is great for me. I just love it. My energy levels are up as well.

